Community Resources

Whether you’re new to Mueller or a long-time resident, these resources can connect you with helpful information and services.

Tips and Fun Facts

  • Get the latest on MNA events, meetings, activities and news by subscribing to MNA’s free monthly email newsletter.

  • Mueller Street Names: Many of Mueller’s streets are named after some of Austin’s historical civic, business and elected leaders. Read about these colorful legends who helped shape the Austin we know today.

  • Mueller Social Media: Whatever your interests, you’re likely to find neighbors who share them simply by searching for “Mueller” on social media platforms. Facebook, for example, has dozens of pages created by Mueller residents on a variety of interests and activities. Here are just a few:

Mueller Management and Community Nonprofits

The Mueller neighborhood is a master-planned community built on the site of Austin’s former airport. Mueller was developed through a complex public-private partnership between the City of Austin and Catellus, a master development company. These organizations have a key role in Mueller’s development and operations.

  • Mueller Neighborhood Association (MNA) is a nonprofit volunteer organization for all Mueller residents — both homeowners and renters. MNA works closely with other groups in Mueller and Austin to promote community, inclusivity and fun!

  • Mueller Property Owners Association (POA) is responsible for Mueller operations, maintenance and improvements, including parks, greenways, open spaces, trails, playgrounds, pools, a skate park and other public amenities. All Mueller residential and business property owners pay POA fees to support these expenses. Renters don’t pay POA fees and are not eligible to be a POA member.

  • Cohere became Mueller’s property management company in February 2025. Cohere’s members-only portal Vantaca enables POA members to pay bills, report maintenance issues, submit modification requests, and more. Email Cohere at

  • Mueller POA advisory committees provide input and recommendations to the Mixed Use Board and community management company. Committee members are volunteers who typically live in Mueller and belong to the POA.

  • Friends of Mueller Greenways is a proposed nonprofit organization that would help care for Mueller’s greenways and parks. In February 2025, Mueller POA members submitted a proposal to the Mueller POA’s Mixed Use Board in February 2025, and the Mixed Use Board recommended forwarding the proposal to the Mueller Master Board for final approval.

  • Catellus Development Corporation is an independent private company based in California, with regional offices and operations nationwide. The City of Austin chose Catellus as its partner to develop Mueller’s residential and commercial properties and public amenities. In January 2025, a group of executives left Catellus to form a new development and asset management company called

  • Arterra Developmen, LLC is a new development and asset management company formed in January 2025 by a group of executives who left Catellus. Arterra is now the development and asset manager for the Mueller neighborhood.

  • Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory Commission (PIAC) advises the Austin City Council on matters related to Mueller’s master plan and redevelopment, such as land disposition strategy, traffic, urban design and zoning issues. The city council appoints members of PIAC, which meets at 6 p.m. at Austin Energy the second Tuesday of each month, except July and December.

  • Mueller Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable entity formed by Catellus to sustain affordable housing at Mueller. The foundation supports the Mueller neighborhood’s social goals with an emphasis on quality education and sustainability.

Mueller Transition Process

In 2019, Catellus and the Mueller POA formed a Transition Committee to develop a new leadership, management and operations framework for the Mueller community that was implemented in February 2025. Master Board members are Mueller businesses and residential property owners who oversee the Mueller POA’s management, strategic planning, operations, budget, policies, communications, and maintenance and repairs. Arterra will continue to develop Mueller properties through 2027 under an amended development agreement with the City of Austin.

Mueller Amenities

  • Mueller Business Directory: list of Mueller restaurants, shops, services, entertainment and employers.

  • Mueller Parks, Trails and Events: list of Mueller parks, trails and event venues. In 2024, the Austin City Council assumed ownership of three greenways surrounding Mueller’s perimeter, designated them as city-owned public parks, and approved a new parks maintenance agreement for the Mueller POA to maintain them.

  • Mueller Pools: resident and public hours, pool rules and other information about Ella Wooten and John Gaines pools in the Mueller neighborhood.

  • Texas Farmers’ Market at Mueller: Sundays, 10 am - 2 pm, at Branch Park Pavilion, corner of Aldrich and Philomena streets.

Surrounding Neighborhoods

MNA builds relationships with surrounding neighborhood associations to share information about activities and events and collaborate on topics of common interest. Visit these neighborhood websites to learn more.

Voting in Travis County

These websites can help you register to vote online, verify your voter registration status, change your address, view sample ballots, learn about the candidates and issues, and find early voting and election day voting locations.

Public Schools

Mueller students track to these Austin Independent School District (AISD) public schools. Parents may submit a request to AISD to transfer their child to another AISD school.

City, County and State Government

The Mueller community is served by city, county, state and federal government. Use these websites to identify your elected representatives and find city, county and state services.

  • Find My Elected Officials: online search tool enables residents to look up their local, state and federal elected representatives.

  • City of Austin: online source of information about city services, utilities, departments and elected officials.

  • 311 customer service call center that handles non-emergency calls and requests for city maintenance.

  • 311 smart phone app to report and track complaints and issues with city services and equipment, such as traffic lights.

  • Mueller’s weekly city trash and compost collection day is Friday. Recyclables are collected every other Friday. Check out Austin Resource Recovery’s other waste management services and sign up for weekly waste collection reminders.

  • Austin now offers on-demand pickup for bulk trash, brush and waste collection. The city has discontinued its semiannual scheduled bulk trash pickup service.

  • Travis County: online source of information about county services such as auto tags, vehicle registration, disability parking placards, marriage licenses, business licenses, and birth and death certificates.

  • Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD): TCAD sets the property values of homes and businesses in Travis County. Look up property values and file appraised value protests online.

  • Texas State Government: the state’s official website has links to public services, state agencies, and a handy guide on state rules and requirements for people moving to Texas.

  • Texas Legislature: guide to Texas lawmaking, including House and Senate elected members, committees, bills, state laws and regulations, and helpful guides to how the legislative process works.